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Golden Pheasant Price in India (April 2023) | Golden Pheasant

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Golden Pheasant, also known as the Chinese Pheasant or Rainbow Pheasant, is a beautiful and colorful bird that is native to the mountainous regions of China, but has since been introduced and established in many other parts of the world. In this blog post, we will cover everything you need to know about the Golden Pheasant, including its physical characteristics, Price in India, behavior, habitat, and breeding habits.

Golden Pheasant Price in India

The price of Golden Pheasants in India can vary depending on a number of factors, such as the age, sex, and quality of the bird. On average, the price of a Golden Pheasant in India can range from Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 40,000 or more.

About Golden Pheasant

History of Golden Pheasant

The Golden Pheasant is a popular game bird and ornamental bird native to the mountainous regions of central China. It has a long and interesting history, which can be traced back to ancient China.

The first recorded mention of the Golden Pheasant in Chinese literature dates back to the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD). It was highly valued as a symbol of power, prosperity, and good fortune, and was often depicted in art and literature. The bird was also used for meat and its feathers were used for decorative purposes.

During the Ming dynasty (1368-1644 AD), the Golden Pheasant became even more popular as a symbol of power and prosperity. The emperor at the time, Zhu Yuanzhang, declared that only the imperial family and high-ranking officials were allowed to keep the birds. Golden Pheasants were also used as gifts to foreign dignitaries and were traded as luxury items.

The bird was introduced to Europe in the early 18th century, where it quickly became popular among collectors and breeders. The first Golden Pheasants were brought to England by a trader named John Reeves, who obtained them from China in 1831.

Since then, Golden Pheasants have been bred in captivity for their beauty and as game birds. They are now found in many parts of the world, including North America, where they have been introduced as a game bird.

Physical Characteristics

The Golden Pheasant is known for its stunningly beautiful and colorful plumage. The male Golden Pheasant is the more colorful of the two sexes, with a bright golden-yellow crest on its head, a red breast, a yellow-orange lower back, and a long, flowing tail that is iridescent green and blue.

The male also has a black stripe that runs from its beak to the back of its head, and bright red patches on its face. The female, on the other hand, is less colorful, with brownish-grey plumage and a short, brownish-green tail.


Golden Pheasants are generally shy and elusive birds that prefer to spend most of their time in the thick underbrush of forests and woodlands. They are also very agile and can fly very quickly, making them difficult to catch or hunt. When threatened or startled, Golden Pheasants will typically fly away or run quickly into the underbrush to hide.


Golden Pheasants are native to the mountainous regions of central and western China, where they prefer to live in dense forests and woodlands near rivers and streams. They are also found in parts of Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, and northern Myanmar. Since their introduction to other parts of the world, Golden Pheasants have adapted to a variety of habitats, including parks, gardens, and even urban areas.

Breeding Habits

Golden Pheasants are monogamous birds that mate for life. During the breeding season, which typically begins in late winter or early spring, the male Golden Pheasant will display his colorful plumage to attract a mate.

Once a pair has formed, the female will build a nest on the ground in a hidden location, typically in a thicket or dense brush. The female will lay between 8 and 12 eggs, which she will incubate for around 22 to 23 days. Once the chicks hatch, they will stay with their mother for several weeks before becoming independent.

Various factors affect the price of Golden Pheasant

The price of Golden Pheasants can vary widely depending on a number of different factors. Here are some of the key factors that can affect the price of Golden Pheasants:

Age: The age of the bird can have a significant impact on its price. Younger birds are generally less expensive than older birds, as they are not yet fully mature and may not have developed their full coloration.

Gender: Male Golden Pheasants are typically more expensive than females, as they are more colorful and sought after by collectors.

Coloration: The coloration of a Golden Pheasant can also impact its price. Birds with particularly vivid or unusual coloration may be more valuable than those with more typical coloration.

Lineage: The lineage of a Golden Pheasant can also affect its price. Birds with a well-documented and impressive lineage may be more valuable than those with a less impressive pedigree.

Availability: The availability of Golden Pheasants can also impact their price. Birds that are rare or difficult to obtain may be more expensive than those that are more readily available.

Market demand: The demand for Golden Pheasants can also affect their price. If there is high demand for these birds, prices may be higher than if there is low demand.

Breeder reputation: The reputation of the breeder can also impact the price of Golden Pheasants. Birds from reputable breeders may be more valuable than those from less well-known breeders.

Location: The location where the birds are being sold can also affect their price. Birds sold in urban areas or areas with high demand for exotic birds may be more expensive than those sold in more rural areas.

Golden Pheasant Care Tips

If you are interested in keeping Golden Pheasants as pets, here are some care tips to help ensure their health and happiness:

Golden Pheasant

Housing: Golden Pheasants are active birds and require a spacious aviary or enclosure with plenty of room to fly and exercise. The enclosure should be secure and protected from predators, with a sheltered area for the birds to rest and nest.

Diet: Golden Pheasants are omnivores and require a varied diet consisting of high-quality game bird feed, fresh fruits and vegetables, and insects or mealworms for protein. They also need access to clean, fresh water at all times.

Health: Regular health checks by a veterinarian experienced in bird care are important to ensure the health of your Golden Pheasants. Watch for signs of illness such as lethargy, loss of appetite, or respiratory distress, and seek veterinary care if necessary.

Grooming: Golden Pheasants require regular grooming to maintain their feathers and prevent parasites. Provide a dust bath or shallow dish of sand or diatomaceous earth for them to bathe in, and trim their nails and beak as needed.

Socialization: Golden Pheasants are social birds and thrive in the company of others. If keeping multiple birds, make sure the enclosure is large enough to accommodate them comfortably and monitor their interactions to prevent aggression.

Environmental enrichment: Provide plenty of perches, hiding places, and toys for your Golden Pheasants to keep them mentally and physically stimulated. They enjoy exploring their environment and foraging for food, so consider adding live plants or hiding treats for them to find.

Climate control: Golden Pheasants are hardy birds, but they require protection from extreme temperatures and humidity. Provide shade or shelter in hot weather and a heated shelter in cold weather to prevent hypothermia.

Golden Pheasant Lifespan

Golden Pheasants have an average lifespan of 5 to 6 years in the wild, but with proper care in captivity, they can live up to 10 years or more. The lifespan of a Golden Pheasant is influenced by various factors, such as genetics, nutrition, environment, and health care.

Facts about Golden Pheasant

  • The male Golden Pheasant is one of the most colorful birds in the world, with a bright golden-yellow body, fiery orange and red breast, and a long, iridescent green and yellow tail.

  • Females are less showy, with mottled brown and grey feathers for camouflage.

  • Golden Pheasants are omnivores, feeding on a diet of seeds, insects, and small animals.

  • They are social birds and often form small flocks, although males can become aggressive toward each other during breeding season.

  • Golden Pheasants are monogamous and mate for life, with males performing elaborate courtship displays to attract a mate.

  • They build nests on the ground or in low shrubs, and females lay up to 12 eggs per clutch.

  • Chicks are precocial, meaning they are able to walk and feed themselves shortly after hatching.

  • Golden Pheasants are popular game birds and are also kept as pets in aviaries and zoos.

  • They are hardy birds and can adapt to a range of climates, but require protection from extreme temperatures and humidity.

  • The scientific name for Golden Pheasants is Chrysolophus pictus, which means “painted with gold.”

Video credit – Knock Knock

Frequently Asked Questions 

Are Golden Pheasants good pets?

Yes, Golden Pheasants can make great pets if kept in the right conditions and given proper care. They are beautiful birds and can be quite entertaining to watch.

What do Golden Pheasants eat?

Golden Pheasants are omnivores and their diet consists of seeds, insects, and small animals. In captivity, they can be fed high-quality game bird feed, supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables, insects or mealworms, and clean, fresh water.

How big do Golden Pheasants get?

Golden Pheasants are medium-sized birds, with males growing up to 90 cm (35 inches) in length, including their long tail, and weighing up to 1 kg (2.2 pounds). Females are smaller, growing up to 60 cm (24 inches) in length.

Do Golden Pheasants fly?

Yes, Golden Pheasants are capable of flying and can fly short distances. They require plenty of room to fly and exercise in their enclosure.

Can Golden Pheasants be kept with other birds?

Golden Pheasants can be kept with other similar-sized, non-aggressive birds in a mixed aviary. However, during the breeding season, males can become territorial and aggressive towards each other.

Do Golden Pheasants migrate?

No, Golden Pheasants are non-migratory birds and typically remain in their home range throughout the year.

Are Golden Pheasants endangered?

Golden Pheasants are listed as a species of “Least Concern” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), meaning they are not currently considered endangered. However, habitat loss and hunting are still threats to their population

Can Golden Pheasants be kept in a backyard coop?

Golden Pheasants require plenty of room to move around and exercise, so a backyard coop may not provide enough space for them to thrive. A larger aviary or enclosure would be more suitable for keeping Golden Pheasants.

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  • Hey pet lovers ! I am Deepali H passionate pet lover and writer who enjoys sharing tips, facts and information about Pets .With 3 years of experience in the pet industry, I have a wealth of knowledge to offer readers. I hope you will like my articles. Thank you !

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