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Pocket monkey Price in India 2023 | Finger monkey price in india

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Pocket monkeys, also known as Pygmy Marmosets, are small primates native to South America. These miniature primates have become popular pet for those who are looking for unique and exotic pets. However, owning a Pocket monkey is not just a matter of buying one and taking it home with you. There is a lot of preparation, research, and knowledge needed to ensure that these tiny primates live happy and healthy life in captivity.

In this blog post, we will go over everything you need to know about Pocket monkey PET, including its origin, behavior, care requirements, Pocket monkey Price, and legal status.

Pocket monkey Price in India

Pocket monkey Price in India ranges from Rs 30,0000 to Rs 10,00,000. The price of a Pocket monkey in India can vary depending on various factors such as the breeder, location, and Health of the Pocket monkey.

About Pocket monkey

Origin of Pocket monkeys

Pocket monkeys, also known as Pygmy Marmosets, are the smallest species of primates in the world. They are native to the South American countries of Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, and Columbia.

They live in the rainforests of the Amazon Basin and are arboreal, meaning they spend most of their time in the trees. These tiny primates are primarily known for their ability to grip branches with their sharp claws and use their tails for balance.

The appearance of Pocket monkey

Pocket monkeys are small primates with distinctive features such as short snouts, large eyes, and long tails. They have dense and soft fur which can come in different shades of brown, black, and/or white, and a small body, usually weighing around 140-170 grams and growing up to around 15-17 cm in length.

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The behavior of Pocket monkeys

Pocket monkeys are social animals and live in family groups. In the wild, these primates can be found in groups of up to 15 individuals. In captivity, it is important to have at least two Pocket monkeys to ensure that they have proper social interaction.

These primates are active during the day and love to climb, play, and explore. They are also known to be very curious animals and love to investigate new things. Pocket monkeys are also quite intelligent and can be trained to perform basic tricks such as climbing up a ladder or jumping through a hoop.

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Pocket monkey Prices in Different Locations

Different Locations Prices
Pocket monkey price in Kerala Rs 30,0000 to Rs 10,00,000
Pocket monkey price in Chennai Rs 30,0000 to Rs 10,00,000
Pocket monkey price in Delhi Rs 40,0000 to Rs 10,00,000
Pocket monkey price in Bangalore Rs 40,0000 to Rs 10,00,000
Pocket monkey price in Mumbai Rs 40,0000 to Rs 10,00,000

Various factors that affect the price of Pocket monkey

The price of a Pocket monkey can be affected by a variety of factors, including:

Supply and Demand: Like any other pet, the price of a Pocket monkey is affected by the supply and demand in the market. If the demand is high and the supply is low, the price may be higher. On the other hand, if the supply is high and the demand is low, the price may be lower.

Breeder Reputation: The reputation of the breeder can also affect the price of a Pocket monkey. Reputable breeders may charge a higher price for their monkeys, as they have a track record of providing healthy and well-socialized animals.

Location: The location of the breeder can also affect the price of a Pocket monkey. For example, breeders located in areas with a high cost of living may charge more for their monkeys.

Age: The age of the Pocket monkey can also affect the price. Younger monkeys may be more expensive than older ones, as they are in higher demand.

Gender: The gender of the Pocket monkey can also affect the price. Male Pocket monkeys may be more expensive than females, as they are in higher demand.

Health: The health of the Pocket monkey can also affect the price. A Pocket monkey with a history of health problems may be less expensive than a healthy one.

Pocket monkey Health Issues

Pocket monkeys, like any other pet, can be susceptible to various health issues. Some of the most common health problems in Pocket monkeys include:

Dental Problems: Pocket monkeys have sharp teeth that can easily become overgrown and cause problems if not properly cared for. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are important to maintain good oral health.

Parasites: Pocket monkeys are prone to parasites such as mites, lice, and fleas. Regular veterinary check-ups and parasite control measures are important to maintain their health.

Respiratory Infections: Pocket monkeys are susceptible to respiratory infections, particularly in damp or poorly ventilated living conditions. Regular veterinary check-ups and proper ventilation in their living quarters can help prevent these infections.

Gastrointestinal Issues: Pocket monkeys can develop gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, constipation, and bloating. A balanced diet and regular veterinary check-ups can help prevent these issues.

Vitamin Deficiencies: Pocket monkeys can develop vitamin deficiencies if they are not receiving a balanced diet. It is important to provide them with a varied diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and protein sources.

Behavioral Issues: Pocket monkeys are social animals and need interaction with other monkeys and plenty of opportunities for play and exercise. If they are not receiving proper social interaction and exercise, they may develop behavioral issues such as aggression or depression.

Pocket monkey Care Tips

Pocket monkeys are social animals that require proper care and attention in order to thrive. Here are some tips for properly caring for your Pocket monkey:

Pocket monkey

Diet: Feed your Pocket monkey a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and protein sources. It is important to avoid feeding them junk food, as this can lead to health problems.

Exercise: Pocket monkeys need plenty of exercises to stay healthy and happy. Provide them with plenty of toys and opportunities for play and exploration.

Social Interaction: Pocket monkeys are social animals and need interaction with other monkeys and their owners. If you are the only owner, it is important to spend plenty of time interacting and playing with your monkey.

Housing: Provide your Pocket monkey with a comfortable and secure living environment that is appropriate for its size and needs. This should include plenty of space to move around and play, as well as a place to sleep and rest.

Hygiene: Maintain good hygiene practices to keep your Pocket monkey healthy. This includes regularly cleaning their living environment and bathing them when necessary.

Health: Regular veterinary check-ups are important to monitor your Pocket monkey’

Pocket monkey Lifespan

The lifespan of a Pocket monkey, also known as a pygmy marmoset, can vary depending on a variety of factors such as genetics, diet, and overall health. On average, Pocket monkeys can live between 10 to 15 years in captivity.

Fun facts about Pocket monkey

Here are some fun facts about Pocket monkeys:

1. Pocket monkeys are the smallest primates in the world, with adults typically weighing between 140 to 350 grams.

2. They are known for their agility and ability to jump up to 18 feet in a single leap.

3. Pocket monkeys are omnivores and feed on a variety of foods, including insects, small mammals, and tree sap.

4. They are highly social animals and live in family groups in the wild.

5. Pocket monkeys have unique vocalizations that are used for communication within their family group.

6. They are native to the rainforests of South America and are excellent tree climbers.

7. Pocket monkeys have opposable thumbs and can use their hands to hold and manipulate objects, much like humans.

8. They are considered a threatened species in the wild due to habitat loss and hunting for their fur and as pets.

9. Pocket monkeys have a unique tooth structure, with their lower incisors growing continuously throughout their life.

10. They have distinctive markings on their fur, making each Pocket monkey unique in appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions –

Are Pocket monkeys good pets?

While Pocket monkeys can be cute and entertaining, they are not ideal pets for everyone. They require a significant amount of time, effort, and financial investment, and they can be difficult to care for. It is important to consider your lifestyle and resources before deciding to get a Pocket monkey.

Are Pocket monkeys legal to own as pets?

The legality of owning a Pocket monkey as a pet varies by state and country. Some states and countries have restrictions on owning exotic pets, while others allow it with a permit. It is important to research the laws in your area and obtain any necessary permits before owning a Pocket monkey.

How much space does a Pocket monkey need?

Pocket monkeys need plenty of space to move around and play. A large cage or playpen with multiple levels and plenty of toys is recommended. It is important to provide them with plenty of opportunities for exercise and play.

Are Pocket monkeys easy to train?

Pocket monkeys can be trained, but it requires patience and consistency. They can be taught to do basic tricks and can also be potty trained.

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Post Author

  • Hey pet lovers ! I am Deepali H passionate pet lover and writer who enjoys sharing tips, facts and information about Pets .With 3 years of experience in the pet industry, I have a wealth of knowledge to offer readers. I hope you will like my articles. Thank you !

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