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Indian Star Tortoise Price (January 2023) – Star Tortoise

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Star tortoises are some of the most beloved animals in the world, and with good reason! These beautiful creatures have a unique, star-like pattern on their shells that makes them stand out from other tortoises.

In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about star tortoises, including their natural habitat, diet, and potential health risks. We’ll also provide some tips for caring for a star tortoise as a pet and the Indian star tortoise price.

Appearance of Star tortoise

The star tortoise is a medium-sized tortoise, with adults reaching sizes of up to 16 inches in length and weighing around 10-15 pounds. They have a high-domed shell that is typically yellow, brown, or black in color and is decorated with a distinctive star-shaped pattern. The shell is made up of bony plates that are fused together, and it provides the tortoise with protection and support.

star tortoise

The star tortoise has a rounded and somewhat flattened head, with small, beady eyes and a short, blunt snout. They have four sturdy legs, with each leg ending in a sharp claw that helps them dig and move around. The tortoise’s skin is typically a pale yellow or brown color, and it is covered in small, hard scales.

Overall, the star tortoise has a distinctive and attractive appearance, with its star-shaped shell and calm, peaceful demeanor.

Indian Star Tortoise Price

The Indian star tortoise price ranges between Rs 500 to Rs 7,000. Indian star tortoise price depends on many things. It is not that the Indian star tortoise price will same across India. It depends on several factors that are mentioned below.

baby star tortoise price ranges between Rs 300 to Rs 7,000.

Indian Star tortoise Prices in Different Locations

Different Locations Prices

star tortoise price in Hyderabad

Rs 500 to Rs 6,000

star tortoise price in Mumbai

Rs 600 to Rs 7,000

star tortoise price in Bangalore

Rs 600 to Rs 7,000

 star tortoise Price Philippines

Rs 500 to Rs 6,000

star tortoise price in Kerala

Rs 500 to Rs 6,000


Factors that affect The Price of Star tortoise

1. The size and age of the tortoise: Star tortoises are typically priced according to their size and age, with younger and smaller tortoises being less expensive than older and larger ones.

2. The tortoise’s color and pattern: Some color and pattern variations of the star tortoise are more rare and more desirable than others, which can affect their price.

3. The tortoise’s health and condition: A tortoise that is in good health and has a clean bill of health from a veterinarian is likely to be more expensive than one that has health issues.

4. The tortoise’s genetics: Tortoises with exceptional genetics, such as those with particularly large or colorful star patterns, may be more expensive than those with average genetics.

5. The demand for the tortoise: The overall demand for star tortoises in the market can also affect their price, with higher demand leading to higher prices and vice versa.

History of Star tortoise

The star tortoise, also known as the Indian star tortoise, is a species of tortoise native to India and Sri Lanka. They are named for the unique star-shaped pattern on their shells, which can vary in color from yellow to brown to black.

Star tortoises have been popular pets for centuries, and they have been kept by royalty and other wealthy individuals in India for many years. They were also traded and exported to other parts of the world, particularly Europe and the United States, where they became popular as exotic pets.

In recent years, the star tortoise has become a protected species due to habitat loss and illegal trade. This has led to stricter laws and regulations surrounding their captivity and ownership, and efforts to conserve and protect their natural habitats.

Star tortoise Temperament

Star tortoises are generally considered to have a calm and gentle temperament. They are not particularly active or energetic, and they are not known to be aggressive or prone to biting. Instead, they are known for their peaceful and slow-moving nature, and they are often described as being “easy-going” pets.

Star tortoises are typically docile and not aggressive, but they can be defensive if they feel threatened or if their territory is being invaded. They will often retreat into their shells when they feel scared or threatened, and they may hiss or make other noises to try to deter potential predators.

Overall, star tortoises are not known for their high energy or playful nature, but they can make good pets for people who are looking for a calm and easy-going companion. It is important to provide them with a suitable enclosure and the right diet and care to keep them happy and healthy.

Star tortoise Health Issues

Like all living creatures, star tortoises are susceptible to a variety of health issues. Some common health issues that may affect star tortoises include:

Respiratory infections: Star tortoises can sometimes develop respiratory infections, which can cause symptoms such as difficulty breathing, discharge from the nose or mouth, and lethargy.

Shell infections: The shell of a star tortoise is vulnerable to bacterial and fungal infections, which can cause swelling, discoloration, and other abnormalities.

Parasites: Star tortoises can be infested with internal or external parasites, such as roundworms or ticks, which can cause a variety of health problems.

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies: A lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the diet can lead to a variety of health problems in star tortoises, such as shell deformities and bone disorders.

Obesity: Like all animals, star tortoises can become obese if they are fed an unhealthy diet or do not get enough exercise. Obesity can lead to a variety of health problems, such as heart disease and liver problems.

Star tortoise Care Tips

Star tortoises are relatively low-maintenance pets, but they still require a certain level of care to ensure their health and well-being. Some tips for caring for a star tortoise include:

star tortoise price

Provide a suitable enclosure: Star tortoises need a spacious and secure enclosure that provides plenty of room for them to move around, hide, and bask in the sun. The enclosure should be made of sturdy materials, such as wood or plastic, and it should have a secure lid to prevent the tortoise from escaping.

The enclosure should also have a warm, dry area for the tortoise to bask in, as well as a cooler, damp area for it to hide and retreat to.

Offer a balanced diet: Star tortoises require a diet that is high in fiber and low in protein and fat. Their diet should consist mainly of dark, leafy greens, such as collard greens and dandelion greens, as well as other vegetables, such as carrots and squash. It is also important to offer a calcium supplement to help maintain healthy bones. Avoid feeding your tortoise fruits, meats, or processed foods, as these can be unhealthy for them.

Provide access to water: Star tortoises need access to fresh, clean water at all times. This can be provided in a shallow water dish that is large enough for the tortoise to soak in, or by misting the enclosure with a spray bottle. It is important to clean and refill the water dish regularly to prevent the water from becoming dirty or contaminated.

Offer enrichment: Star tortoises are not particularly active or energetic, but they still benefit from opportunities for mental and physical stimulation. This can be provided through activities such as hiding food in the enclosure for the tortoise to find or providing it with objects to climb on or explore.

Monitor the tortoise’s health: It is important to regularly check your star tortoise for any signs of illness or health problems. This includes checking its shell for any abnormalities, such as cracks or discoloration, and monitoring its appetite, behavior, and overall appearance. If you notice any changes or concerns, it is important to consult a veterinarian for advice and treatment.

Overall, caring for a star tortoise requires a commitment to providing a suitable enclosure, a balanced diet, and regular health monitoring. With the right care, a star tortoise can make a long-lived and rewarding pet.

Star tortoise Lifespan

The lifespan of a star tortoise can vary depending on several factors, such as its diet, care, and health. In general, however, star tortoises can live for a relatively long time, with some individuals living for more than 50 years.

star tortoise

The longest-lived star tortoise on record was a specimen named Adwaita, who was estimated to be more than 250 years old when he died in 2006. Adwaita was a popular pet in India, and he was kept by several notable individuals, including Mahatma Gandhi.

In captivity, the average lifespan of a star tortoise is typically around 20-50 years, although some may live longer with proper care and nutrition.

Facts about Star tortoise

  • The star tortoise is a species of tortoise native to India and Sri Lanka.
  • They are named for the unique star-shaped pattern on their shells, which can vary in color from yellow to brown to black.
  • Star tortoises are relatively large, with adults reaching sizes of up to 16 inches in length and weighing around 10-15 pounds.
  • They have a lifespan of around 20-30 years in captivity, although some individuals may live longer with proper care and nutrition.
  • Star tortoises are not particularly active or energetic, and they are known for their calm and gentle temperament.
  • They are herbivorous, and their diet should consist mainly of dark, leafy greens and other vegetables.
  • Star tortoises are protected by law due to habitat loss and illegal trade, and it is important to only purchase them from reputable breeders.

FAQ – 

Can a star tortoise be a pet?

Yes, star tortoises can be kept as pets. They are not particularly active or energetic, and they are known for their calm and gentle temperament, making them a good choice for people who are looking for a low-maintenance pet.

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that star tortoises have any special ability to bring luck to a home. Like all living creatures, they have their own unique needs and characteristics, and it is important to provide them with the right care and environment to ensure their health and well-being.

While some people may believe that having a star tortoise in their home brings them good luck, this is largely a matter of personal belief and opinion.

Can an Indian star tortoise bite or harm you?

It is unlikely that an Indian star tortoise would bite or harm a person, as they are generally considered to have a calm and gentle temperament. They are not known for being aggressive or prone to biting, and they are more likely to retreat into their shells when they feel scared or threatened.

Video credit – JayPrehistoricPets

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  • Hey pet lovers ! I am Deepali H passionate pet lover and writer who enjoys sharing tips, facts and information about Pets .With 3 years of experience in the pet industry, I have a wealth of knowledge to offer readers. I hope you will like my articles. Thank you !

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