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10 Most Popular Hamster Breeds in the World

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Hamsters are adorable, small, and low-maintenance pets that have captured the hearts of animal lovers worldwide. With their cute round bodies, twitching whiskers, and playful nature, it’s no wonder hamsters are among the most popular small pets.

In this blog post, we will explore the 10 most popular hamster breeds, providing valuable information about each breed’s characteristics, care requirements, and unique traits. Whether you’re a first-time hamster owner or a seasoned enthusiast, this comprehensive guide will help you make an informed decision when choosing the perfect hamster companion for your home.

10 Most Popular Hamster Breeds

1. Syrian Hamster (also known as Golden Hamster)

The Syrian Hamster, often referred to as the Golden Hamster, is one of the most popular and widely kept hamster breeds worldwide. Known for its larger size compared to other hamster breeds, the Syrian Hamster comes in a variety of coat colors and patterns.

Syrian Hamster

They have a friendly and docile nature, making them a favorite choice for families and individuals alike. Syrians are solitary animals and must be housed individually to avoid conflicts.

They require a spacious enclosure with bedding, hiding spots, and an exercise wheel. Syrian Hamsters are omnivorous and enjoy a varied diet consisting of commercial hamster food, fresh vegetables, and occasional treats. With proper care and handling, these hamsters can form strong bonds with their human owners and provide endless hours of entertainment and companionship.

2. Dwarf Campbell Russian Hamster

The Dwarf Campbell Russian Hamster is another popular hamster breed known for its social nature and inquisitive personality. They have a small, compact body and come in various colors. These hamsters thrive in same-sex pairs or small groups, as they are social animals.

Dwarf Campbell Russian Hamster

However, it’s important to introduce them carefully and monitor their interactions to prevent aggression. Dwarf Campbell Russian Hamsters require a suitable habitat with ample space for burrowing, climbing, and exercise. They enjoy a balanced diet of commercial hamster food supplemented with fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional protein-rich treats.

These hamsters are active and agile, so providing them with tunnels, wheels, and toys will help keep them mentally stimulated. With proper care and attention, Dwarf Campbell Russian Hamsters can become beloved companions, bringing joy and entertainment to their owners’ lives.

3. Roborovski Hamster (also known as Robo)

Roborovski Hamsters, commonly known as Robos, are the smallest and fastest of all hamster breeds. These adorable creatures have a sandy-brown coloration and lack the dorsal stripe present in other breeds. Robos are known for their high energy levels and lightning-fast movements, making them a delight to watch. Due to their small size, they require habitats with no wire gaps to prevent escape.


Roborovski Hamster

Roborovski Hamsters are generally more independent and less inclined to enjoy frequent handling compared to other breeds. They prefer to observe and explore their surroundings on their terms. Providing them with tunnels, sand baths, and plenty of hiding places will cater to their natural instincts.

Robos thrive on a diet that consists of a good quality hamster mix, supplemented with small amounts of fresh fruits, vegetables, and occasional insects. While they may not be as cuddly as other breeds, their fascinating behaviors and tiny size make them popular choices among hamster enthusiasts.

4. Winter White Dwarf Hamster

The Winter White Dwarf Hamster, also known as the Siberian Dwarf Hamster, is a charming and popular breed known for its ability to change coat colors seasonally. In winter, their fur turns white or gray, camouflaging them in their natural snowy habitats. As spring approaches, their fur gradually changes back to their original color.

Winter White Dwarf Hamster

These small hamsters have a gentle and friendly nature, making them suitable for both experienced and first-time hamster owners. Winter Whites are social animals and can be kept in same-sex pairs or small groups, provided they are introduced properly and monitored for any signs of aggression.

They require a spacious and secure enclosure with bedding for burrowing, exercise wheels, and plenty of toys to keep them mentally stimulated. Winter White Dwarf Hamsters have a varied diet consisting of hamster pellets, fresh vegetables, and occasional treats. With their captivating color-changing ability and delightful personalities, these hamsters make wonderful pets for hamster lovers of all ages.

5. Chinese Hamster

The Chinese Hamster is a unique and increasingly popular hamster breed known for its slender body and long tail. Originating from China and Mongolia, these hamsters have a distinctive dark stripe running down their back. While they may be less common as pets compared to other breeds, their charming appearance and active nature have garnered a growing fan base.

Chinese Hamster

Chinese Hamsters are generally low-maintenance and have a curious and inquisitive personality. They require a suitable habitat with ample space for exploration, hiding spots, and exercise. A balanced diet consisting of high-quality hamster pellets, fresh vegetables, and occasional treats will keep them healthy and satisfied.

While they may be a bit more independent than other breeds, proper socialization and gentle handling can help build trust and strengthen the bond between the Chinese Hamster and its owner.

6. Dwarf Russian Campbell Hybrid Hamster:

The Dwarf Russian Campbell Hybrid Hamster is a popular hybrid breed resulting from the crossbreeding of the Dwarf Campbell Russian Hamster and the Djungarian Hamster. These hybrids exhibit a wide range of colors and patterns, combining the best traits of both parent breeds.

Dwarf Russian Campbell Hybrid Hamster

They are energetic, intelligent, and love to explore their surroundings. Dwarf Russian Campbell Hybrid Hamsters are social animals and thrive when kept in pairs or small groups. They require a suitable habitat with ample space, enrichment activities, and hiding spots. A well-balanced diet of hamster pellets, fresh vegetables, and occasional protein-rich treats is essential to meet their nutritional needs.

These hybrids are known for their playful and inquisitive nature, making them delightful companions for hamster enthusiasts who enjoy observing their active behaviors and providing them with stimulating environments.

7. Teddy Bear Hamster

The Teddy Bear Hamster, a long-haired variety of the Syrian Hamster, captivates with its fluffy appearance and endearing personality. These hamsters have a long, dense coat that gives them a teddy bear-like appearance, hence their name. While their long hair requires regular grooming to prevent matting, many pet owners find the extra effort worthwhile for their charming looks.

Teddy Bear Hamster

Teddy Bear Hamsters are known for their gentle nature and tend to be more tolerant of handling compared to some other hamster breeds. They enjoy human interaction and are often curious and playful. Providing them with a suitable habitat that includes bedding, hiding spots, and exercise wheels is crucial for their well-being.

A balanced diet of hamster pellets, fresh vegetables, and occasional treats will keep them healthy and content. With their cuddly appearance and sweet temperament, Teddy Bear Hamsters make excellent pets for those seeking a hamster with a soft and fluffy coat.

8. Djungarian Hamster 

The Djungarian Hamster, also known as the Siberian or Winter White Dwarf Hamster, is closely related to the Winter White Dwarf Hamster. These small and adorable hamsters are native to Siberia and are known for their ability to change their coat color seasonally. In the winter months, their fur turns white or gray to blend in with the snowy landscapes of their natural habitat.

Djungarian Hamster

Djungarian Hamsters are social animals and can be housed in same-sex pairs or small groups, provided they are introduced properly. They require a suitable habitat with bedding, hiding spots, and toys to keep them mentally stimulated. Djungarian Hamsters have a gentle temperament and enjoy interaction with their human companions.

A balanced diet consisting of hamster pellets, fresh vegetables, and occasional treats is crucial for their overall health. With their captivating coat color changes and friendly nature, Djungarian Hamsters make wonderful and enchanting pets for hamster enthusiasts of all ages.

9. Panda Bear Hamster

The Panda Bear Hamster is a captivating variety of the Syrian Hamster, known for its distinctive black and white coat pattern resembling that of a panda bear. This coloration makes them stand out among other hamster breeds and adds to their charm. Like other Syrian Hamsters, Panda Bears are solitary creatures and must be housed individually to prevent conflicts.

Panda Bear Hamster:

They have a friendly and docile nature, making them a popular choice for hamster enthusiasts. Panda Bear Hamsters require a spacious habitat with bedding, hiding spots, and exercise wheels to keep them physically and mentally stimulated. Their diet should consist of a balanced mix of hamster pellets, fresh vegetables, and occasional treats. With their unique appearance and amiable temperament, Panda Bear Hamsters make delightful pets that bring joy and fascination to their owners’ lives.

10. Armenian Hamster

The Armenian Hamster, also known as the ciscaucasian Hamster, is a lesser-known but intriguing hamster breed originating from Armenia and the Ciscaucasian region. These hamsters have a compact body and come in various colors, with shades of brown and gray being common.

Armenian Hamster

Hamsters are known for their adaptability to different environments and their ability to burrow extensively. They require a suitable habitat that allows for digging and tunneling, such as a deep bedding layer. Armenian Hamsters are generally less social compared to other hamster breeds and prefer solitary lifestyles.

They require a balanced diet consisting of hamster pellets, fresh vegetables, and occasional treats. While they may be less common as pets, Armenian Hamsters are fascinating creatures for hamster enthusiasts who appreciate their natural behaviors and unique characteristics. Providing them with an enriched and secure environment will ensure their well-being and allow them to display their natural instincts.

Video Credit – Petopedia

Frequently Asked Questions

Are hamsters good pets for children?

Hamsters can make good pets for children, but adult supervision is essential to ensure proper handling and care.

How long do hamsters live?

The average lifespan of hamsters varies by breed, with most living between 2 to 3 years.

What do hamsters eat?

Hamsters typically eat a diet consisting of commercial hamster food, fresh vegetables, and occasional treats.

Can hamsters be housed together?

Some hamster breeds, like Dwarf Campbell Russians, can be housed together, while others, like Syrian Hamsters, are solitary and should be kept individually.

Do hamsters need exercise?

Yes, hamsters need regular exercise. Providing an exercise wheel and ample space for them to explore and play is important for their physical and mental well-being.


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  • Hey pet lovers ! I am Deepali H passionate pet lover and writer who enjoys sharing tips, facts and information about Pets .With 3 years of experience in the pet industry, I have a wealth of knowledge to offer readers. I hope you will like my articles. Thank you !

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